Wednesday, May 7, 2014

First Instagram Trade

Hello everyone, Andrew here. I have finally completed my first ever trade on Instagram. I was hesitant to even do baseball card trading on there in the first place mostly because I was seeing way to many post about how people were getting ripped off and never getting their cards. I decided to go ahead and go for it and see how it turned out.

I'm writing this post. so you know that I at lease got cards back at lease. Overall this was a pretty good trade.

First card that I got in the trade was this really cool looking 2004 Merrick gold card of Albert Pujols. I personally have never herd of these, but it looked to cool not to try to get so I got it. The only problem is that it is graded and the case is all scratched up and it is a bit annoying.

The main card was this 2005 Upper Deck Artifacts relic of Albert Pujols /99. I really like the Artifacts cards. This will be nice addition to my Albert Pujols PC since I only have one other relic card of him.

Thanks for reading!

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